On Resolutions, Jan 2023
Goals can help bring true purpose to our lives. But we need to watch out for the driver of the goal. Is it your ego, the hungry ghost that will never be satisfied? Is it a feeling of insecurity or not enough-ness?
On Groundedness, Nov 2022
It is an ongoing practice. I do know that when I can be of service to others, it softens the edges of my heart.
How are you staying centered now? What are your rituals for replenishing?
Celebrating Cristina Rubio!
I feel like my clients and I have these special relationships—not only with their movements and what they need to be addressing—but also with the ability to be present. I want my clients to feel like they get more than exercise when they come to see me.
Summer of Joy
Today I am committing to a Summer of Joy--of Spiritual Survival--because I'm acutely aware of the state of the world. Joy to me is not only about pleasurable things like ice cream and sunsets, but rather it's about moving towards what makes me feel more alive.
On Waking Up, Apr 2022
Artwork: Monica Mitchell
I AM in-between, neither here nor there. And isn't it in this liminality where new ideas are born? Where spring has sprung, where we get to start again?