Progressive Pilates Williamsburg

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On Groundedness, Nov 2022

I want to express my deepest thanks to every one of you, past and present, that has spent time with us in the studio deepening your connection to your body and breath, discovering strength and balance, resilience and deep relaxation. It really is an honor to offer this type of work out into the world, particularly now when life continues to prove challenging for so many.

I was speaking with a friend the other evening about some of the most recent tragedies.  She mentioned that her current strategy for staying grounded is avoiding the news all together. I could relate to this and at times I have also needed to block things out. And yet, when I have the bandwidth I want to stay informed and be a present witness, even if I don't know what to do with the pain. I want to stay empathetic and open-hearted and offer myself moments of peace and lightness so that I can share that energy with others.

How do we stay centered and focused on our own well-being while taking in daily tragedies? I don't know the complete answer to this but for me, it has to do with being present to what is here right now in this very moment, while remaining compassionate and invested in others' well-being. It is an ongoing practice. I do know that when I can be of service to others, it softens the edges of my heart.

How are you staying centered now? What are your rituals for replenishing? 

Today, I'd like to further express my gratitude for being able to provide healing, care-driven services by offering some free gifts to our community and beyond. Read below if you'd like to gift a loved one with some extra care during this season of giving. Wishing you all a beautiful day of giving thanks!

Deeply grateful,